Notice and Advertisement GO TO MAIN WEBSITE
Notice regarding Recruitment Test for the post of Constables / Sepoys for various Battalions of Odisha Police- 2024.
Notice regarding Combined Police Service Examination-2024.
Final results (provisional) for the recruitment to the post of Sepoys/ Constables in Battalions.
Notice and Instructions for Candidates, CPSE-2024.
Notice on Practical Skill Test on Computer for the post of Jr. Clerks in DPO Cadre..
Advertisement for Engagement of Retired Asst. Sub-Inspector/ Sub-Inspector/ Deputy Subedar/ Sergent/ Inspector of Police in Odisha Police/ CAPF/ Ex. Serviceman as Special Police Officers (SPOs) in Odisha Police for Highway Patrolling.
Recruitment for S.I. of Police & equivalent rank (CPSE-2024)
Detailed Advertisement for recruitment of Sub-Inspector of Police and equivalent rank-2024..
Recruitment of Ex-Servicemen (Ex-Navy and Coast Guard personnel) in Odisha Special Striking Force (OSSF) of Odisha Marine Police on contractual basis.