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Government Order.

Department Number & Date Subject
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 43854/ OE, Bhubaneswar, Dt. 26.11.2024. STANDING No Objection Certificate/ Permission in favour of Government employees working under administrative control of Home Department for appearing in various recruitment examinations or for jobs elsehere.
Government of Odisha, Finance Department. No. 33420/ F, Bhubaneswar, Dt. 03.12.2024. Clarification on admissible Allowances in respect of All India Services (AIS) Officers working under the State Government of Odisha.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 9989/ D&A, Bhubaneswar, Dt. 16.03.2024. Upgradation of existing Mendhasal Outpost to that of Mendhasal Industrial Police Station, in UPD, Bhubaneswar - Creation of posts thereof.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 8955/ SPS, Dt. 11.03.2024. Restructuring of the Odisha Police Service.
Government of Odisha, Finance Department. No. 400, Dt. 04.01.2024. Special Leave in respect of retired Government Servants re-engaged as per G.A. Department Resolution No. 23750/Gen dt. 27.08.2014.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 26111/D&A
Dt. 27.06.2023.
Odisha Police Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Sub-Inspectors) Order,2023.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 31982/D&A
Dt. 04.08.2023.
The Odisha Police Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Constables) Amendment order, 2023.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 4920/Gen, BBSR
Dt. 12.02.2021.
Compulsory submission of Annual property statement by all Group/ranks of Government Servants and people's representatives and to place them in the public domain for access of general public.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. Notification No. 34701/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 14.10.2022.
Odisha District Police Ministerial Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) working under the Distrtict Police Offices Amendment Rules, 2022.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 16105/Gen, BBSR
Dt. 24.06.2021.
Compulsory submission of Annual property statement by all Group/ranks of Government Servants and people's representatives and to place them in the public domain for access of general public.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 43614/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 17.12.2022.
Revision of Risk Allowance to the personnel of Special Operation Group (S.O.G.).
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Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 39759/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 22.11.2022.
Clarification regarding transgender candidates appearing for recruitment for the post of constable.
Govt. of Odisha,
ST & SC Development Department
No.11309/SSD, BBSR,
Dt. 30.06.2022.
Clarification regarding participation of reserved category candidate against Unreserved Vacancies.
Govt. of Odisha,
GA & PG Department.
Notification No.9897/Gen.,
Dt. 11.04.2022.
The Odisha Discontinuance of payment of application and examination fees for recruitment to different Posts and Services in the State Government Rules, 2022.
Govt. of Odisha,
Home Department
No.13070/D&A, BBSR,
Dt. 21.04.2022.
Constitution of Odisha Police Recruitment Board.
Govt. of Odisha,
Home Department
Dt. 30.03.2022.
Enhancement of uniform/Dress Allowance in favour of OPS and and OAPS officers in Odisha Police.
Govt. of Odisha,
Finance Department
Dt. 28.03.2022.
Drawl of balance arrear remuneration arising out of revision of remuneration of contractual employees vide G.A. & P.G. Department Notification No. 19569/Gen Dt. 12.09.2017 and No. 19574/Gen Dt. 12.09.2017.
Govt. of Odisha,
Health and Family Welfare Department
Dt. 27.07.2021.
Procedures regarding the reimbursement of cost of treatment.
Govt. of Odisha,
Finance Department
Dt. 28.03.2022.
Drawal of balance arrear salary arising out of revision of pay under 7th Pay Commission in case of All India Services (IAS/IPS/IFS).
Govt. of Odisha, GA & PG Department. Notification No. 28983/AIS.I,
Dt. 30.10.2021.
Withdrawal of Executive Ranks conferred on Police Ministerial Officers.
Govt. of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 107/AIS.I,
Dt. 03.01.2022.
Enhancement of Dearness Allowane in favour of State Govt. Employees w.e.f. 01.07.2021.
Govt. of Odisha,
Finance Department
Dt. 08.10.2021.
Group Insurance Scheme for Government Employees, Employees of aided non-Govt. Educational Institutions, State Govt. Universities and Educational Institutions and Urban Local Bodies.
Govt. of Odisha, Home Department. No. 39425/Home,
Dt. 09.11.2021.
Revision of Washing Allowance in favour of all regular Group-D Employees of the State Government.
Govt. of Odisha, Home Department. No. 38061/D&A,
Dt. 29.10.2021.
Odisha District Police Ministerial Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) working under the District Police Offices Rule, 2021.
Govt. of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 28626/Gen, BBSR
Dt. 27.10.2021.
Odisha Group-B posts (Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules - 2021.
Govt. of Odisha, Home Department. No. 36883/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 21.10.2021.
Creation of 261 number of posts in the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police.
The Govt. of Odisha,
Finance Department
Dt. 08.10.2021.
Sanction of Dearness Allowance @ 11% enhancing the existing rate from 17% to 28% with effect from 01.07.2021 in favour of State Government Employees drawing pay in Revised Scale of Pay, 2017.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 27278/AIS.I.,
Dt. 08.10.2021.
Enhancement of DA.
The Govt. of Odisha,
Finance Department
Dt. 27.09.2021.
Amendment of Delegation of Financial Power Rule, 1978.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 31202/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 04.09.2021.
The Odisha Police Service (Method of Recruitment and Condition of Service of Constables) order, 2021.
The Odisha Gazette,
Home Department
Dt. 03.09.2021.
The Odisha Police Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Sub-Inspector of Police) (Armed) Amendment Order, 2021.
The Odisha Gazette,
Home Department
Dt. 02.09.2021.
The Odisha Police Signals Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Constables, Communication) Amendment Orders, 2021.
The Govt. of Odisha,
Finance Department
Dt. 30.07.2021.
Amendment of Delegation of Financial Power Rule, 1978.
The Odisha Gazette,
Home Department
Dt. 18.08.2021.
The Odisha Police Signals Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Amendment Orders, 2021.
The Odisha Legislative Assembly No.4790/L.A., BBSR
Dt. 07.07.2021.
Utilization of e-despatch system for all correspondences.
Govt. of India Ministry of Home Affairs No.19/9/2021-public
Dt. 13.05.2021.
Observance of Anti-Terrorism Day on 21st May.
Government of Odisha, Department of SSEPD Notification
Dt. 25.03.2021.
The Odisha Disability Rehabilitation Service (Method of Recruitment and Condition of Service of the staff in the District Disability Rehabilitation Centres under the control of the Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disability Department) Rules, 2021.
Government of Odisha, Home Department Resolution. No. 11657/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 18.03.2021.
Revision of Special Operational Incentive to Police Personnel appointed on contractual basis and posted / deployed in Special Operations Group.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 9061/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 03.03.2021.
Deployment of equivalent ranked Police officials at Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Center, BBSR for immediate commencement of Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) in the State.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 6999/Gen
Dt. 03.02.2021.
Guidelines/instructions for processing applications for appointment under Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme and for issuing appointment orders to the applicants.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 5925/Gen
Dt. 23.02.2021.
Clarification on submission of Annual Property Statement.
Govt. of Odisha, Home Department. No. 4370/H., BBSR
Dt. 03.02.2021.
Integration of D.G. & I.G. of Police, Odisha, Cuttack, D.G. Fire Service, Commandant General of Home Guards and Directorate of Civil Defence, Odisha, Cuttack and D.G. of Police-cum-I.G. of Prisons & DCs, Odisha, Bhubaneswar with Administrative Department in OSWAS.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 29656/Gen
Dt. 30.12.2020.
Scrutiny of CCRs for consideration of promotion for Group-C Officers and modified procedure in respect of Group-A and B Officers.
Govt. of Odisha, Home Department. No. 39432/SAPW, BBSR
Dt. 09.12.2020.
Award of DGPs Disc to Police Personnel.
Govt. of Odisha, Home Department. No. 39298/D&A, BBSR
Dt. 07.12.2020.
Creation of 1098 posts in Phase-I for implementation of Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) in the State.
Govt. of Odisha, School and Mass education Department. No. 16913/SME
Dt. 18.11.2020.
Minimum qualification for the Post of Hindi Teachers in Govt. fully aided New Grant-in-Aid and recognized high schools of the State.
Board of Revenue, Odisha, Cuttack. No. 1062/CS
Dt. 18.11.2020.
Recruitment of Odisha Revenue Service (ORS) (Group-B) by way of selection for the recruitment year, 2020.
Government of Odisha, Finance Department. No. 30278/F
Dt. 13.11.2020.
Facility for downloading of Form-16 (INCOM TAX) by the pensioner/Family pensioners from IFMS during Covid-19 pandemic.
Government of Odisha, Home Department. No. 33854/D&A
Dt. 15.10.2020.
Odisha Police Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police) Order, 2020.
Government of Odisha, GA & PG Department. No. 20955/Gen
Dt. 15.09.2020.
Extension of dateline for submission of property statement by Government servants Gazetted and non-Gazetted- Instruction regarding.
Government of Odisha, Finance Department. No. 19171/F Dt. 29.06.2020. Mopping up of Government money parked outside the Public Account by DDOs and Implementing Agencies.
Government of Odisha, Finance Department. No. 15892/F Dt. 27.05.2020. Regarding Reconstitution of the Committee on Emplanelment of Banks for handling Business & Deposits of State Public Sector Undertakings (SPSU) and State Level Autonomous Societies (SLAS).
Government of Odisha,GA & PG Department. No. 8372/Gen. Bhubaneswar, Dt. 11.03.2020. Regarding Postponement of Official Tours/Visit abroad as a Precautionary measure to check contagious Corona Virus.
Government of Odisha,GA & PG Department. No. 5651/Gen. Bhubaneswar, Dt. 17.02.2020. The Odisha Civil Services (Rehabilitation Assistance ) Rules, 2020.
Government of Odisha,GA & PG (AR) Department. No. 36703/AIS.I, Dt. 19.12.2019. Regarding the Indian Police Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Third Amendment regulations, 2018.
Government of Odisha,GA & PG Department. No. 4125/GA&PG, Dt. 17.12.2019. General Guidelines to all Public Authorities in the State in the line with the decision of Hon’ble Lokpal in Case No. 112-A of 2004.
Government of Odisha,GA & PG (AR) Department. No. 34292/AR, BBSR Dt. 28.11.2019. Regarding Online Loan and Advance Module in HRMS.
Government of Odisha,GA & PG (AR) Department. No. 34285/AR, BBSR Dt. 28.11.2019. Online leave module in HRMS.
Government of Odisha Home (Special Section) Department. No. 2607/C, Dt. 01.11.2019. The Odisha Private Security Agencies (Private Security to Cash Transportation Activities) Rules, 2019.
Government of Odisha,Home Department. No. 40358/SPS, BBSR Dt. 26.09.2019. Regarding Creation of 6 post in the rank of Odisha Police Service (Superior Administrative Grade) in the corresponding pay matrix of P.B.-4 in pre-revised scale of Rs.37400-67000/- + Grade pay of Rs,8700/-.
Government of Odisha. No. 3546/V.Co.(RA)/CS, Dt. 26.09.2019. Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2019.
Government of Odisha,Home Department. No. 37999/BBSR, Dt. 28.08.2019. Finalisation/ Implementation of 5T Charter.
Government of Odisha,Finance Department. Memo No. 25092/F, Dt. 23.07.2019. Extension of time limit for filing of TDS return in FORM GSTR-7 for the month of October, 2018 to July, 2019 by 31st August, 2019.
Government of Odisha, G.A. & P.G. Department. Memorandum No. 17152/Gen, Dt. 22.06.2019, 17155/Gen, Dt. 22.06.2019 & 17272/Gen, Dt. 24.06.2019. Rescheduling of working hours in Offices functioning under the State Government .
Government of Odisha,Finance Department. No. 19610/F, Dt. 31.05.2019. Extension of due for filling of Quaterly Statement of TDS and issue of TDS Certificates allowed by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
Government of Odisha,Finance Department. No. 17953/F, Dt. 16.05.2019. Circulation of the notification of CBDT regarding amendement in Annexure II of Form 24Q and Form No.16.
Government of India, Intelligence Bureau. No.1/Police (L) 2018 (1)-2427-84, Dt. 01.12.2018. Grant of Scholarship out of Police Memorial Fund for the academic year 2018-19.
Finance Department. No. 37478/F, Dt. 01.12.2018. Admissibility of maternity leave to female Government Servants and clarification thereof .
Govt. of Odisha Finance Department. No. 33650/F, Dt. 26.10.2018. Voluntary Retirement Scheme for the State Government employees borne under regular pensionable establishment and Voluntary Separation Scheme for work Charge/ Job Contract/ NMR/ DLR employees.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. No. 41962/FS-II, Dt. 01.10.2018. Guidelines for Deductions and Deposits of T.D.S by the D.D.O under G.S.T.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. No. 38400/IPS BBSR, Dt. 05.09.2018. Permission for leave/LTC/Training etc. during Assembly Session-Reg.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. No. 33336/BBSR, Dt. 02.08.2018. Observance of "Sadbhavana Diwas" on 20.08.2018.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. No. 23886/H, BBSR, Dt. 29.05.2018. Nomination of Nodal Officer of Home Department in respect of implementation of ‘Odisha Right to Public Service Act-2012’.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G Department. No. 8015/AIS.I. BBSR, Dt. 20.03.2018. Protection of Pay of IPS officers at level-17.
I.B.(Ministry of Home Affairs) Govt. of India. No. 115, Dt. 07.02.2018. Grant of Scholarship out of Police Memorial Fund for the academic year 2017-18.
Govt. of Odisha Labour & ESI Department. No. 7766/LESI., Dt. 16.10.2017 The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act,2017.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G Department. No. 19574/Gen., Dt. 12.09.2017 Odisha Group-C and Group-D Posts (Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules, 2017.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G Department. No. 19569/Gen., Dt. 12.09.2017 Odisha Group-B Posts (Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules, 2017.
Govt. of Odisha Finance Department. No. 26778/F, Dt. 12.09.2017
No. 26347/F, Dt. 07.09.2017
No. 26342/F, Dt. 07.09.2017
The Govt.of Odisha Finance Dept. Resolution No.26778/F, Dt12.09.17, No.26347/F, Dt.07.09.17, No.26342/F, Dt.07.09.17 Regarding Revised Scale of Pay 2017.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G Department No. 16138/Gen., Dt. 26.07.2017 Applicability of the Odisha Civil Services (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules,1990- Clarification Regarding.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G Department No. 15592/Gen., Dt. 19.07.2017 “Applicability of the provisions of the Odisha Group-‘C’ & Group-‘D' (Contractual appointment) Rules,2013 and the Odisha Group-‘B’(Contractual Appointment) Rules,2013 to the recruitments for which advertisements were made prior to commencement of these Rules.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 25861/CP & M, Dt. 06.07.2017 Declaration of the NGOs as Service Provider for assisting Victims of Domestic Violence under PWDV Act 2005.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G Department No. 13958/AIS.I, Dt. 29.06.2017 Code of conduct of Government servants in connection with writing of articles, broadcasting or appearance in Press/media.
Govt. of Odisha Finance Department No. 17673/F, Dt. 05.06.2017 Liberalisation of Provisions for withdrawal from general provident fund.
Govt. of Odisha G.A & P.G. Department No. 9162/Gen., Dt. 29.04.2017 Periodic review of disciplinary/criminal proceedings instituted against the Government Servants.
Govt. of Odisha General Administration Department No. 7684/Gen., Dt. 12.04.2017 Benefit of reservation to persons with disability who acquire disability after entering into Govt. Service.
Govt. of Odisha General Administration Department No. 7202/Gen., Dt. 05.04.2017 Submission of Property Statement by Government Servants (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted).
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 12452, Dt. 03.04.2017 Changing of existing designation of the post of Laboratory Assistant of SFSL, to Assistant Scientific Officer.
Govt. of Odisha General Administration Department No. 2429/Gen., Dt. 03.02.2017 Regulation of Suspension Cases of Government Servants.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 46553, Dt. 21.12.2016 Initiative of Governance Reforms-Introduction of Self Certification/Attestation.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 44018/CP & M, Dt. 06.12.2016 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for coordinated response to address Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Odisha.
Govt. of Odisha G.A. Department No. 23345/Gen, Dt. 05.11.2016 Odisha Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Amendment Rules, 2016.
Govt. of Odisha G.A. Department No. 23302/Gen, Dt. 04.11.2016 The amendment of Odisha Heads of Departments Stenographers Service (Recruitment & Conditions of Service of PS,PA & Stenographers)Rules,1988.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 37003-Home., Dt. 21.10.2016 Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of the persons appointed to Odisha Police Photographic Service.
The Gazette of India Dt. 21.09.2016 The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 32331/H., Dt. 15.09.2016 Authentication of Documents through Self Certification.
Govt. of Odisha General Administration Department No. 17601/Gen., Dt. 12.08.2016 The rules of State Government of Odisha on Section 4 of the Odisha Official Language Act,1954(Odisha Act 14 of 1954).
Govt. of Odisha Finance Department No. 22188/F, Dt. 10.08.2016 Clarification on Maternity leave availed by Female contractual employees engaged in different Departments of Government.
Govt. of Odisha
Odisha State Legal Services Authority.
No. 2536, Dt. 08.08.2016. Regarding issue of necessary instructions to the Police Stations of the State through the respective District Police Superintendents to permit the concerned District Legal Service Authorities/ Taluk Legal Service Communities to affix a poster in a conspicuous area of the Police Station containing the contact details for benefit of public including about availability of free legal aid.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department No. 13044, Dt: 11.04.2016 Odisha Police Signals Service( Method of Recruitment & Conditions of Service ) Order,2016.
Govt. of Odisha Finance Department No. 5799/F, Dt: 08.03.2016 Revision of the pay Scales & grade pays in pay band --1S under ORSP Rules ,2008.
The Gazette of India Dt: 01.01.2016 The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. No.36990, Dt: 03.10.2013 Creation of posts in Mahila & Sishu Desks functioning in Police Stations of the State.
The Gazette of India Dt: 23.04.2013 The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. No. 12664/D&A, Dt: 26.03.2013 Guidelines issued Vide Home Department Letter No 12664 dt 26 March, 2013 on successful implementation of the “AMA POLICE” scheme.
Govt. of Odisha S.T. & S.C. Devlopment Department. No. 1220/SSD, Dt.10.01.2013 Ensuring non use of the word " Harijan" in respect of Scheduled Castes in Official Communications, transaction, Caste Certificates & otherwise.
The Odisha Gazette. Notification, Dt: 07.12.2012 The Odisha Right to Public Services Rules, 2012.
The Odisha Gazette. Notification, Dt: 01.11.2012 The Odisha Right to Public Services Act, 2012.
Govt. of Odisha Home Department. (The Odisha Gazette) No. 26077, Dt: 04.07.2012 The Odisha Police Service ( Rehabilitation Assistance on account of death in Naxal/Extrimist violence while on duty in said areas) Rules, 2012.
The Gazette of India Dt: 20.06.2012 The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
The India Gazette, Ministry of Social justice and Empowerment. Notification, Dt: 23.12.2011 The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) (Amendment) Rules, 2011.
The Odisha Gazette. Notification, Dt: 24.09.2009 The Orissa Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens Rules, 2009.
The Orissa Gazette. Notification, Dt: 25.06.2009 The Orissa Private Security Agencies Rules, 2009.
Govt. of Orissa S.T. & S.C. Devlopment Department No. 22076/SSD, Dt: 12.06.2009 Model guidelines both in English and Oriya version for verification of fake caste certificate.
Govt. of Odisha G.A Department No. 31537, Dt: 29.12.2008 The Orissa Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Amendment Rules, 2008.
The Gazette of India Dt: 31.12.2007 The Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
The Gazette of India Dt: 11.01.2007 The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.
The Gazette of India Dt: 23.08.2006 The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2006.
Govt. of Orissa Women & Child Devlopment Department No. 8386/WCD, Dt: 16.03.2006 The Orissa Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Rules, 2006.
The Gazette of India Dt: 14.09.2005 The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
The Gazette of India Dt: 23.06.2005 The Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005.
Govt. of Odisha G.A Department No. 25585/Gen, Dt: 13.09.1990 The Orissa Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990.